
1. 当法人が取得する個人情報の利用目的


(1) 会計監査証明業務、内部統制構築支援業務、株式公開支援業務等の当法人の各種サービスのご提案およびご提供
(2) 当法人からの有益な情報の提供(当法人のサービスのご案内、セミナー・イベントのご案内や参加のご確認等)
(3) 監査業務、非監査業務を問わず、証拠として個人情報を受け取った場合、当該業務における証拠として保持すること
(4) 役職員の採用選考および採用後の人事管理
(5) 本人の当法人へのお問い合わせに関する回答

2. 安全管理措置


3. 個人情報保護管理体制の管理および改善


4. 共同利用


(1) 共同利用する個人データの項目
(2) 共同利用者の範囲
(3) 利用目的
上記「1. 当法人が取得する個人情報の利用目的」に定めた当法人の利用目的に準じます。

5. 個人情報管理(共同利用の場合を含む)の責任者


6. 本件に関するお問い合わせ窓口


東京都千代田区四番町6 東急番町ビル11階


TEL: 03-5211-7878
FAX: 03-5211-7879


Gyosei & Co. (also ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’) will comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information, establish a personal information protection system, implement and maintain measures, and continuously improve the system in order to appropriately protect personal information.

1. Purpose of use of personal information

We use personal information collected for the following purposes, and will not disclose it to a third party or use it for any purpose other than the stated purpose of use without your prior agreement.

(1) To propose and provide our various service, such as audit, internal control support, IPO support, etc
(2) To provide useful information (information on our services, information on seminars and events, confirmation of participation, etc.)
(3) To retain personal information received as evidence in any audit or non-audit works
(4) To select and hire executives and employees, and to manage their personnel affairs after hiring
(5) To respond to inquiries to us

2. Security control actions

To secure the accuracy and security of personal information, we supervise and train our officers, employees, and contractors, and take other appropriate measures to protect personal information from loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc.

3.Management and improvement of personal information protection system

We will establish personal information protection rules and thoroughly inform all employees through education and training, as well as implement appropriate management through periodic reviews in accordance with the external environment related to information security.

4. Joint use

We may jointly use and share personal information, as necessary, as follows.

(1) Items of personal data to be jointly used
Name, age, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, workplace, department, job title, comments and inquiries, etc.
(2) Scope of joint users
Affiliated group companies of Gyosei & Co., which are Gyosei Consulting Co., Ltd., GYC Tax Corporation and Gyosei Tax Corporation.
(3) Purpose of joint use
Purposes of joint use of personal information shall be in accordance with “1. Purposes of Use of Personal Information” above.

5. Person in charge of handling personal information (including the case of joint use)

Our information security officer

6. Inquiries

For any comments or inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, or any requests such as for disclosure of your personal data retained by us, please contact us as follows.

Tokyu Bancho Building. 11F, 6 Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0081, Japan
Gyosei & Co.